04 March 2011

Weekend Warrior

There is something miraculous about the invention of the weekend. 

Once upon a time people fell down in the fields exhausted. When they awoke, finally rested, it was Monday again and they started working again. Little by little the rest period became a time of celebration, even hedonistic revelry and for some winsome sloth. Then, gradually over recent decades, there was a reversal of weekend activity: some people chose to work! Much of that work was self-inflicted, often called "hobby" yet involving just as much effort and pain as the work done between the weekends.

Now it is my turn. Here is my weekend plan:


Up early, coffee, writing on The Dream Land III - scene of the evil empress's funeral (murdered at the end of DL2) and speculation on why the body of the evil emperor was never found (hint: he slipped away to Earth).

Brunch, errands, B&N for grading student essays

Movie - The Adjustment Bureau

Dinner at home, followed by hockey via internet broadcast, then email/Facebook until sleep overcomes me.


Up early, writing on DL3, if finished with funeral scene work on the wiseman/madman in the dungeon (tip: actually our protagonist but he doesn't know he is yet).

Brunch, then back to the B&N for paper grading until they're done.

Grocery shopping, miscellaneous preparation for the coming week's activities, and slipping gently into the night.

What's your weekend writing plan?

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