10 October 2012

The Council of Five and the Death of Millions

On the Origins of the Gangus government in Sekuate, 
foretold to become the Sekuatean Empire

[because bad endings often have good beginnings....]

The core of the Council of Five, the name used by the Gangus family for their National Executive Council after establishing their dynasty, consisted of three students of the Sorêg Academy. Basura-Kanoun, a poet by training...  Diert-Gangus, born 1433 in Kolouna... student of political dissertation, he introduced... Rasek-Tifloh to his club of political students....
The current government of Sekuate, represented by the 300-year reign of the House of Sarrêban in Seas, was internally corrupt and isolated by privilege from the people. [The Gangus Political Society] believed that to put authority and power of such magnitude under the control of one person was detrimental to the people. Such power should be delegated, diversified, and divided among several people, each to counter the others. To prevent the interests of a few members from falling into collusion, the minimum number needed as a governing force is determined to be five. [Diert's brother, Toulor and a town adminstrator, Samot-Iadon were added.]

In 1458, Diert-Gangus and Basura-Kanoun married... [in 1460] graduated from the Academy.... [In 1463]... booklet authored by Basura, Diert, and Rasek was published in Selauê...  outlining their political concerns. Support grew for the Society... local authorities called them the Gangus Army... concerned that their numbers would become difficult to control.

In Nomat 1466, the Sorêg town leaders requested, then demanded, that the Gangus Army leave. Authorities used the constable’s militia to evict members from their headquarters, initiating a riot. They protested in Selauê... distributed their manifesto on the streets but were arrested, charged with inciting treason. Diert was sent to the national prison at Trêpolium for six years.
Rasek worked to increase support for the Gangus Army during the interim, especially in the Kamtan district where their new headquarters was established [in 1470].... 

Diert returned home [in 1473].... They had a balanced governmental group and began believing... they could be the national ruling council.... An expanded treatise based on the earlier booklet entitled “The Power of Five” was published in Selauê in 1476. Booksellers shunned it. The Gangus Army protested... supporters caused a riot... two Selauê constables were killed and [others] were wounded. The group was outlawed by the city government... and returned their headquarters to Kamtan.

[In 1477]... setting up their own printing press... continued publishing their book... and works of other writers, philosophers and politicians whose ideas agreed with theirs. Basura wrote [in 1478] a sequel to “The Power of Five”... was published... well received, its political focus thinly veiled by her metaphorical poetry.... Diert was elected to the city council of Kamtan by the town’s majority of Gangus supporters....

In 1479, Rasek and Samot [-Iadon, the fifth member] went to Sorêg and Croxe recruiting... returning with new supporters numbering in the thousands... officially adopted the name Gangus Army.
With the paramilitary role envisioned by Diert... recruited a cadet... recently dismissed from the Selauê Academy. Banar-Traf became the commander of the military wing of the Gangus Army. [Traf] was anxious to prove that what his teachers had said of his natural leadership ability was true....

Alarmed by the [military] training, the city council voted on Gouo-2:1479 to oust Diert from the council. Public outcry resulted in his reinstatement....
More supporters flocked to Kamtan... population from 98,000 [in 1478] to over 150,000 by 1480... city council voted again to oust Diert, on Terpa-11:1480... rioting by his supporters.... The 2d Coraesz was dispatched from Selauê to quell the rioting... five leaders fled the city....

At its new headquarters [south in] Manioug, the Gangus Army continued their activities... preparation for... overthrow of the Mexas government... more confrontations with local folk. The city council requested that the Gangus Army leave... went unheeded... requested assistance from 2d Coraesz... from Selauê... [they] marched on Manioug... same martial action as in Kamtan: guerrilla fighting, house searches... seven weeks.
Gangus advance groups raided Lakuar, anticipating their evacuation of Manioug. The citizens and government became hostages in the battle between the rebel army and the Sekuatean Army. Gangus Army members took control of Yiexe [further south] by the end of Nomat. Forces of the Sekuatean Army marched on Yiexe.... With the Sekuatean army withdrawn, the Gangus Army militiamen recaptured Manioug. The 1s Coraesz in Seas was ordered to arms. On Laliê-21:1480, the Mexas Tomodon-Sarrêban ordered a full-scale, nationwide state of emergency....

—from the legible portions of “A Primary History of the Gangus Revolution” (pamphlet) by Kag-Gangus, member, Council of Five, Seas, 1510

Excerpted from THE DREAM LAND, Book I: Long Distance Voyager

enough time to be warned about the invasion, so don't worry too much...for now.

(C) Copyright 2010-2012 by Stephen M. Swartz. All Rights Reserved. No part of this blog, whether text or image, may be used without me giving you written permission, except for brief excerpts that are accompanied by a link to this entire blog. Violators shall be written into novels as characters who are killed off. Serious violators shall be identified and dealt with according to the laws of the United States of America.

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